Oon-Seng Tan is a Professor of Psychological Studies at the National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Prof Tan has published extensively in areas pertaining to cognition, curriculum development, teaching and learning. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Educational Research for Policy & Practice. He was President of the Asia-Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA) and President of the Educational Research Association of Singapore (ERAS). Prof Tan was also Vice-President (Asia & Pacific Rim) of the International Association for Cognitive Education and Psychology.; Alice Seok-Hoon Seng is Associate Professor of Psychological Studies at the National Institute of Education, Singapore. She has over thirty years' experience in pre-service teacher education and her academic background covers early childhood development, educational research methodologies and cognitive education. She was Vice President (Asia Pacific) of the International Association for Cognitive Education and Psychology. She co-edited two books with Oon-Seng Tan on mediated learning experience and enhancing cognitive functions.
Gale Asia
Grade Level
College Freshman - College Senior
1. Cognitive Modifiability and Cognitive Functions.
2. Working Memory and Cognitive Modification.
3. Cognitive Interventions, Enrichment Strategies, and Temperament-based Learning Styles. 4. Cognitive Plasticity and Training across the Lifespan.
5. Cognitive Modifiability, Neuroplasticity, and Ecology.
6. Cognitive Modification of Cognitive Dysfunctions and Distortions in a Learner.
7. Cognitive Modifiability in South African Classrooms: The Stories for Thinking Project. 8. The Cognitive Map and Real-Life Problem-Solving.
9. The Cognitive Abilities Profile.
10. Future Directions: Can Neuroscience Contribute to the Study of Cognitive Modifiability?