On-Demand Learning for In-Demand Skills

Gale Presents: Udemy* offers thousands of high-quality, on-demand video courses taught by world-class instructors across 75 categories for upskilling in the areas of business, technology, and design. Your patrons can also achieve personal success with courses on health and well-being, the arts, language learning, and more.

Courses added at the speed of market change.

Our one-of-a-kind marketplace model delivers top-quality courses from expert instructions faster than traditional content publishers. Learners have access to thousands of relevant, updated courses curated from leading engagement stats, noticeable market demand, and high instructor ratings.

International Collection courses foster inclusion.

Included are on-demand videos in 15 different languages taught by native speaking instructors, going beyond traditional content dubbing and video captions, making this the only library resource of its kind. With thousands of courses to choose from, learners can upskill across business, technical, and personal enrichment topics in their preferred language. View the International Collection course list.

Takes a learner-first approach.

Built around learner engagement, Udemy’s platform offers the highest-quality content for the most in-demand skills. Users can select the instructor and content that best addresses their skills need and learning preferences and filter search results on course features, level, duration, topic, and ratings. Smart recommendations based on the learner’s previous in-app activities offer a personalized learning experience with suggested courses relevant to their interests.

Users can learn anywhere and anytime.

With an app for iOS and Android, users can download courses to watch offline, listen to courses with podcast-style audio, and watch courses using Chromecast or Apple TV.

*Content is powered by the Udemy for Business collection.