This book provides consumer health information for teens about maintaining health during pregnancy, preparing for childbirth, and caring for a newborn. Includes index and resource information.
Front Cover.
Half Title Page.
Title Page.
Copyright Page.
Table of Contents.
1: Understanding the Problem of Teen Pregnancy.
2: The Risks of Teenage Pregnancy.
3: Recent Teen Pregnancy Statistics.
4: When Pregnancy Is a Result of Abuse.
5: What Should You Do If You Have Been Raped?.
6: Preventing Teen Pregnancy.
7: Sexual Health Education: Tips for Parents.
8: Positive Parenting.
9: Birth Control Methods.
10: Teen Pregnancy and the Media.
11: If You Think You Are Pregnant.
12: Understanding Fertility.
13: Unintended Pregnancy.
14: Finding Out If You Are Pregnant.
15: Telling Parents You Are Pregnant.
16: Thinking About Abortion.
17: Thinking About Adoption.
18: Thinking About Parenting.
19: Staying Healthy During Your Pregnancy.
20: The Stages of Pregnancy.
21: The Physical Changes and Discomforts of Pregnancy.
22: Having a Healthy Pregnancy.
23: Prenatal Care and Tests.
24: Genetic Testing.
25: Taking Vitamins with Folic Acid During Pregnancy.
26: Nutrition and Exercise During Pregnancy.
27: Weight Gain During Pregnancy.
28: Eating Disorders During Pregnancy.
29: Stress During Pregnancy.
30: Depression During and After Pregnancy.
31: Medicines and Pregnancy.
32: X-Rays During Pregnancy.
33: Food Poisoning During Pregnancy.
34: Drinking Alcohol During Pregnancy.
35: Smoking During Pregnancy.
36: Caffeine Use During Pregnancy.
37: Illicit Drug Use During Pregnancy.
38: What You Need to Know About STDs, HIV, and AIDS.
39: Climate Change and Pregnancy.
40: Zika and Pregnancy.
41: COVID-19 and Pregnancy.
42: High-Risk Pregnancies and Pregnancy Complications.