Provides coverage of the underlying economic causes, the progressively divisive political developments, the outbreak of the war itself. Includes the military campaigns, year-by-year and battle-by-battle.
Front Cover.
Other Frontmatter.
Title Page.
Copyright Page.
Other Frontmatter.
Editor’s Foreword.
Abbreviations and Acronyms.
Civil War Chronology.
1: Abatis.
2: Abercrombie, John Joseph (1798–1877) USA.
3: Abolitionists.
4: Accouterments.
5: Acoustic Shadow.
6: Adairsville, Georgia, Battle of (May 17, 1864).
7: Adams, Charles Francis, Sr. (1807–1886) USA.
8: Adams, Daniel Weisiger (1821–1872) CSA.
9: Adams, John (1825–1864) CSA.
10: Adams, William Wirt (1819–1888) CSA.
11: Alabama.
12: Alabama Claims.
13: Alabama, CSS.
14: Albemarle, CSS.
15: Albemarle Sound, North Carolina, Battle of (May 5, 1864).
16: Aldie, Virginia, Battle of (June 17, 1863).
17: Alexander, Edward Porter (1835–1910) CSA.
18: Allatoona Pass, Georgia, Battle of (October 5, 1864).
19: Allen, Henry Watkins (1820–1866) CSA.
20: Allen, Robert (1811–1886) USA.
21: Allen, William Wirt (1835–1894) CSA.
22: Alligator, USS.
23: Allison, Alexander (Dates Unknown) USA.
24: Alton Prison, Illinois.
25: Alvord, Benjamin (1813–1884) USA.
26: Ambulance Corps.
27: Amelia Springs, Virginia, Battle of (April 5, 1865).
28: American Anti-Slavery Society.
29: American Colonization Society.
30: American Flag Dispatch.
31: Ames, Adelbert (1835–1933) USA.
32: Ammen, Jacob (1806–1894) USA.
33: Amnesty Proclamations.
34: Anaconda Plan.
35: Anderson, George Burgwyn (1831–1862) CSA.
36: Anderson, George Thomas (1824–1901) CSA.
37: Anderson, James Patton (1822–1872) CSA.
38: Anderson, Joseph Reid (1813–1892) CSA.
39: Anderson, Richard Heron (1821–1879) CSA.
40: Anderson, Robert (1805–1871) USA.
41: Anderson, Robert Houstoun (1835–1888) CSA.
42: Anderson, Samuel Read (1804–1883) CSA.
43: Anderson, William “Bloody Bill” (1840–1864) CSA.