Because even the most experienced teacher leader can get tripped up on the intangibles of getting a group of peers to function as a team, here's a book that provides ongoing advice and counsel on how to master the entire spectrum of duties that teacher leaders are expected to accomplish. Emphasizing the dual threads of strong collegial relationships and a collective focus on teaching and learning, the authors help you tackle the toughest challenges of the teacher leader's job, including choosing from the many forms of shared leadership and influencing the direction it takes; defining and maintaining the school's mission and vision despite changes in personnel and policy; getting group buy-in, setting team goals, and encouraging sharing of viewpoints and ideas; initiating professional learning conversations focused on strengthening teaching practice; using feedback data to measure progress and knowing when to go for outside help and working with group dynamics, dealing with breakdowns, and celebrating success. Included is a Teacher Leader's Toolkit with helpful templates, agendas, planning guides, and checklists to keep you on your game.