Rural Education Across the World: Models of Innovative Practice and Impact
Novel Approaches to Lesbian History
Non-Western Identity: Research and Perspectives
History of Chinese Folk Literature
The Measurement of Hate Crimes in America
Understanding Islam and Muslim Traditions
Television in Africa in the Digital Age
Dis/ability in the Americas: The Intersections of Education, Power, and Identity
Women and the Practice of Medicine: A New History (1950-2020)
The Queer Outside in Law: Recognising LGBTIQ People in the United Kingdom
Africa and the Diaspora: Intersectionality and Interconnections
Exploring Gender at Work: Multiple Perspectives
The Cinema of Sara Gomez: Reframing Revolution
Queer Psychology: Intersectional Perspectives
Encyclopedia of African-American Politics
The Foundation and Growth of African Women Entrepreneurs: Historical Perspectives and Modern Trends
Desire After Dark: Contemporary Queer Cultures and Occultly Marvelous Media
Native American Law, Updated Edition