Iraq War: The Essential Reference Guide
Countries: Their Wars & Conflicts
Let's Find Out! Religion: Islam
Islam in America: Exploring the Issues
Understanding World Religions and Beliefs: Understanding Islam
Special Reports Set 3: The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Empires in the Middle Ages: The Ottoman Empire
World History: Ancient Egypt: The Land of Pyramids and Pharaohs
Bearing Witness: Genocide and Ethnic Cleansing: ISIS and the Yazidi Genocide in Iraq
Empires in the Middle Ages: The Islamic Caliphate
History of Arab Americans: Exploring Diverse Roots
True Teen Stories: True Stories of Teen Refugees
Understanding World Religions: Understanding Islam
The Britannica Guide to Islam: Islamic Literature
Explore the Countries Set 4: Syria
The Foundations of Math: The History of Mathematics
Growing Up Around the World: Growing Up in Iran