Freedom's Promise: Barbara Jordan: Politician and Civil Rights Leader
Freedom's Promise: The Making of Motown
Perspectives on American Progress: Jackie Robinson Breaks Barriers
Freedom's Promise: The Scottsboro Boys
Freedom's Promise: Blacks in Paris: African American Culture in Europe
Listen to Rap! Exploring a Musical Genre
Freedom's Promise: The March on Washington and Its Legacy
Perspectives on American Progress: Barack Obama Is Elected President
Key Questions in American History: Did the Civil Rights Movement Achieve Civil Rights?
Freedom's Promise: Ruby Bridges and the Desegregation of American Schools
Perspectives on American Progress: Rosa Parks Stays Seated
Freedom's Promise: The Story of the Black National Anthem
Freedom's Promise: Two Bloody Sundays: Civil Rights in America and Ireland
Freedom's Promise: Daisy Bates and the Little Rock Nine
Britannica Beginner Bios IV: Frederick Douglass: Abolitionist and Fighter for Equality
Protest Movements: Black Lives Matter
Civic Participation: Working for Civil Rights: American Civil Rights Movement
Let's Find Out! Primary Sources: The Emancipation Proclamation
Hidden History: The African Burial Ground