Race and American Law: Education, Race, and the Law
History of Crime and Punishment: For-Profit Prisons
Ask the Constitution: Is Every American Adult Allowed to Vote?
Race and American Law: Citizenship, Race, and the Law
Ask the Constitution: Do Women Have Equal Rights?
Race and American Law: Voting, Race, and the Law
History of Crime and Punishment: The US Prison System and Prison Life
American Crime Stories: The Gardner Museum Heist
History of Crime and Punishment: The History of Criminal Law
Inside Law Enforcement: Inside the DEA
The NFL National Anthem Protests
Public Profiles: Martin Luther King, Jr.
Civic Virtue: Let's Work Together: The Purpose of Rules and Laws
Freedom's Promise: The Scottsboro Boys
The Declaration of Independence: America's First Founding Document in U.S. History and Culture
Teen Guide to Student Activism
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Criminal Psychology
Global Crime: An Encyclopedia of Cyber Theft, Weapons Sales, and Other Illegal Activities
Covert Careers: Jobs You Can't Talk About: Inside the Secret Service
Civic Virtue: Let's Work Together: How Rules and Laws Change Society