Native American Warfare: Warriors of the East Coast Tribes
Lucent Library of Black History: Freedom By Force: The History of Slave Rebellions
One Nation for All: Immigrants in the United States: Life as a Somali American
Growing Up Around the World: Growing Up in China
Lucent Library of Black History: African Americans in Film: Issues of Race in Hollywood
Speak Up! Confronting Discrimination in Your Daily Life: Confronting Class Discrimination
Debating History: Debates on 20th-Century Immigration
Native American Cultures: Native American Ceremonies and Celebrations: From Potlatches to Powwows
Discrimination in Society: Age Discrimination
Discrimination in Society: Disability Discrimination
Growing Up Around the World: Growing Up in Japan
What's the Issue?: What's Gender Equality?
Discrimination in Society: LGBT Discrimination
Teen Voices: Real Teens Discuss Real Problems: Teens Talk About Leadership and Activism
Native American Cultures: Native American Governments: From Tribal Councils to Constitutions
Human Rights in Focus: Refugees
Changing Families: Foster Families
Native American Oral Histories: Traditional Stories of the Great Basin and Plateau Nations
Growing Up Around the World: Growing Up in India
Crossing the Border: Deportation