Native American Warfare: Warriors of the West Coast, Plateau, and Basin Tribes
The Britannica Guide to Islam: The Islamic World from 1041 to the Present
Primary Sources of Westward Expansion: Homesteading and Settling the Frontier
Fighting for Their Country: Minorities at War: Minority Soldiers Fighting in the American Revolution
Primary Sources of Westward Expansion: Lewis and Clark and Exploring the Louisiana Purchase
Westward Expansion: America's Push to the Pacific: The Gold Rush
Native American Warfare: Warriors of the Northern Tribes
Primary Sources of Colonial America: From New Amsterdam to New York: Dutch Settlement of America
Primary Sources of Colonial America: Colonial Interactions with Native Americans
Exploring Latin America: The Economy of Latin America
The Civil War and Reconstruction Eras: Documents Decoded
Understanding World Religions: Understanding Buddhism
The Interwar Years: The Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations
Hot Topics: Civil Liberties: The Fight for Personal Freedom
World History: The Black Death: Bubonic Plague Attacks Europe
Hidden Heroes: Hidden Human Computers: The Black Women of NASA
Primary Sources in World Warfare: World War I
The Colonial and Postcolonial Experience: Colonial and Postcolonial Africa