Space Race: Space Stations and Beyond
The Cold War: Interpreting Conflict through Primary Documents
Space Race: Missiles and Spy Satellites
Space Race: Astronauts and Cosmonauts
The Rise of Communism: History, Documents, and Key Questions
Fighting for Their Country: Minorities at War: Minority Soldiers Fighting in the Korean War
Weapons of Mass Destruction: The Essential Reference Guide
The Cold War Chronicles: Nuclear Proliferation, the Military-Industrial Complex, and the Arms Race
Cause & Effect: Modern Wars: The Korean War
Cause & Effect: Modern Wars: The Cold War
The Cold War Chronicles: The Collapse of Communism and the Breakup of the Soviet Union
Pivotal Presidents: Profiles in Leadership III: Harry S. Truman
Viewpoints on Modern World History: The Arms Race and Nuclear Proliferation
The Cold War Chronicles: The Legacy of the Cold War
Military Technologies: Technology During the Korean War
Pivotal Presidents: Profiles in Leadership: Dwight D. Eisenhower
A Political and Diplomatic History of the Modern World: The Post-Cold War World