Race and Sports: Gender and Race in Sports
A Look at US History: Women's Suffrage
Black Women as Leaders: Challenging and Transforming Society
Women and Society: Violence Against Women
Joined by Fate: Intertwined Biographies: Sacagawea, Meriwether Lewis, and William Clark
Decolonial Puerto Rican Women's Writings: Subversion in the Flesh
Geek Heroines: An Encyclopedia of Female Heroes in Popular Culture
Freedom's Promise: Hidden Heroes: The Human Computers of NASA
Britannica Beginner Bios IV: Amelia Earhart: Aviation Pioneer
Hip-Hop Insider: The Women of Hip-Hop
Superwomen in STEM: Women Scientists in Physics and Engineering
Protest Movements: Women's Suffrage
Critical Insights: The Diary of a Young Girl
Lucent Library of Black History: African American Literature: Sharing Powerful Stories
Defining Documents in World History: Women's History (1791-2017)
Being Female in America: Sexism in the Media
Women in the World: Women in Positions of Leadership
First Ladies Set 1: Eleanor Roosevelt
Being Female in America: Growing Up a Girl
Newsmakers Set 2: Ivanka Trump: Businesswoman and Political Activist