Gale eBooks: Professional Learning collections put expert content your teachers need and want in one place. In addition to supporting the four pillars of PDeach partner publisher or themed collection brings together 10–50 cross-searchable titles featuring renowned authors from ASCD, Corwin Press, NCTE, Solution Tree, and more. They include topics such as new teacher supports, high-quality literacy instruction, and science of reading.

The Gale eBooks platform is designed to add new collections as they’re released, which allows schools to stay current with important trends in education and offer titles that fit growing needs. Plus, schools can upgrade many of their Continuing Professional Development (CPD) collections by adding framework alignments to the Danielson Framework for Teaching or the Marzano Focused Teacher Evaluation Model.

Along with the well-being of teams, Gale eBooks are good for the health of business. You own the titles after you purchase them, and can add collections to meet the evolving needs of your district throughout the school year.