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Welcome to The Gale eBook Hub

The Gale eBook Hub is a web page designed exclusively for Gale customers in Australia and New Zealand. It serves as your best resource for selecting and exploring eBooks available for trial or purchase. We strive to keep this web page up to date with the latest additions to our eBook collection, providing you with information about new titles each month.

Please be aware that this process generates an email and does not complete your order.

Please note that while we aim to include all new eBooks in the linked Excel spreadsheet (red button below), there may be instances where some titles are not listed. In such cases, we kindly request you to contact us using the contact information provided below. You can inform us of any additional titles that you’re interested in via email, ensuring that we can promptly include them in your order.

The linked Excel spreadsheet will automatically download the Gale eBook Ordering Tool (via the red button below). This file will be updated semi-annually to reflect any changes or additions to our eBook offerings. To proceed, follow the prompts on this page or within the Gale eBook Ordering Tool to generate your order.. If you decide to purchase eBooks, we will exchange emails to confirm your order and then you will be invoiced through our standard invoicing method.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation. Should you have any questions or require further assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected]. We are here to support you in selecting and acquiring the eBooks that meet your needs.


How to use the Gale eBook Ordering Tool

  1. Click on the red "Access the eBook Ordering Tool" button below to download the Gale eBook Excel spreadsheet.
  2. Locate the downloaded file, "anz-ebook-order-form.xlsm," in your browser's download files and open it using Microsoft Excel.  *Excel Issues see below

  3. In column A of the spreadsheet, mark an "X" for each eBook you wish to select.
  4. Click on the orange "Process Order" button located at the top of the spreadsheet.
  5. Switch to the second worksheet within the spreadsheet, labeled "Order Sheet."
  6. Fill in your details in the shaded grey boxes provided.
  7. At the top right side of the worksheet, click on the green "Process Order/Trial" button.
  8. Your email application should automatically open with a new email message. The entire Gale eBook Ordering Tool spreadsheet will be attached, including your selections from the Order Sheet.
  9. Send the email to [email protected], and you may Cc yourself or your colleagues if desired. The Gale ANZ team will respond and provide a confirmation within two business days.

If you have any further questions or need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact us. We are here to help make the eBook ordering process as smooth as possible.


* Excel Issues

              If you see a notification asking to enable content and macros within the spreadsheet, click "Enable Content" to proceed.


If you encounter a pop-up notification, you need to enable Macros in your Excel settings. Please go back and enable Macros.

A screenshot of a computer error    Description automatically generated


 If you see a pop-up asking for confirmation, click the "Yes" button.

A screenshot of a computer error    Description automatically generated



 Use these instructions to circumvent this issue:


Terms and Conditions: The Gale eBook Hub is exclusively available for customers in Australia and New Zealand. Starting later this year, pricing for eBooks will be listed in AUD and NZD. Please note that the Gale eBook Hub will be manually updated on a regular basis, with pricing information refreshed approximately every six months. It's important to understand that the prices listed within the Gale eBook Ordering Tool spreadsheet are not guaranteed.

For more detailed information about specific titles or for further browsing, we recommend visiting the Gale eBook site at this link: Gale eBook Site. Please be aware that the pricing displayed on the website is in USD, not AUD or NZD.

If you have any additional questions or require further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out. We are here to support you in accessing the eBooks you need.

eBook ordering spreadsheet last updated September 2023.  eBook Hub last updated December 2023

Contact Us





Elise Baldwin Darren Brain Hellen Pervushin Adeline Regnault
0439 772 155 0419 881 937 0413 873 364 0439 090 496
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]