The Chinese Cultural Revolution, Updated Edition
The Reagan Revolution and the Rise of the New Right: A Reference Guide
Russia's Relations with the GCC and Iran
US Presidents and the Destruction of the Native American Nations
Syrian Requiem: The Civil War and Its Aftermath
Issues in Global Business: Selections from SAGE Business Researcher
Figures of the Future: Latino Civil Rights and the Politics of Demographic Change
David Ben-Gurion and the Foundation of Israeli Democracy
The Establishment of the State of Israel, Updated Edition
Contesting Chineseness: Ethnicity, Identity, and Nation in China and Southeast Asia
The Schlager Anthology of Westward Expansion: A Student's Guide to Essential Primary Sources
Race and Society: The Essentials
Putinomics: How the Kremlin Damages the Russian Economy
Iraq after the Invasion: From Fragmentation to Rebirth and Reintegration
A Brief History of Now: The Past and Present of Global Power
Refugees in Canada: On the Loss of Social and Cultural Capital
Reporting Palestine-Israel in British Newspapers: An Analysis of British Newspapers
Corruption, Empire and Colonialism in the Modern Era: A Global Perspective
Climate Change and Global Public Health