Gender on Wall Street: Uncovering Opportunities for Women in Financial Services
Gender Ambiguity in the Workplace: Transgender and Gender-Diverse Discrimination
Abortion in the United States: A Reference Handbook
LGBTQI Parented Families and Schools: Visibility, Representation, and Pride
Defining Documents in World History: Women's History (1791-2017)
Intimate Relationships across the Lifespan: Formation, Development, Enrichment, and Maintenance
Gender Roles in American Life: A Documentary History of Political, Social, and Economic Changes
Sex and Gender in the 2016 Presidential Election
Sex Scandals, Gender, and Power in Contemporary American Politics
Love and Marriage Across Social Classes in America
Understanding Loss and Grief for Women: A New Perspective on Their Pain and Healing
Women in Sports: Breaking Barriers, Facing Obstacles
Psychology of Women: A Handbook of Issues and Theories
Women in Science: Dorothy Hodgkin: Biochemist and Developer of Protein Crystallography
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Psychology and Gender
Understanding How Women Vote: Gender Identity and Political Choices