Freedom's Promise: Hidden Heroes: The Human Computers of NASA
Freedom's Promise: Blacks in Paris: African American Culture in Europe
Class in America: Class and Race
Barack Obama: A Life in American History
Racial Migrations: New York City and the Revolutionary Politics of the Spanish Caribbean
Race and Sports: Gender and Race in Sports
African Religions: Beliefs and Practices through History
A State-by-State History of Race and Racism in the United States
Class in America: The Future of Work in America
Defining Documents in American History: Slavery
Race and Sports: Race in Sports Media Coverage
Uncovering American History: A Primary Source Investigation of Reconstruction
Freedom's Promise: Two Bloody Sundays: Civil Rights in America and Ireland
Contemporary Entertainers XIV: Le'Veon Bell
A Look at US History: The Emancipation Proclamation
History Just Before You Were Born: The End of Apartheid
Contemporary Security Issues in Africa
Mental Illness in Young Adult Literature: Exploring Real Struggles through Fictional Characters