Primary Sources in World Warfare: The Vietnam War
World History: World War I and the Rise of Global Conflict
The Russian Revolution: The Fall of the Tsars and the Rise of Communism
The Persian Empire: A Historical Encyclopedia
The World of Ancient Egypt: A Daily Life Encyclopedia
Technology of the Medieval and Early Modern Worlds
The French Revolution, Napoleon, and the Republic: Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite
World Mythologies: Myths of the Ancient Romans
Buildings and Landmarks of Medieval Europe: The Middle Ages Revealed
Encyclopedia of African Colonial Conflicts
Crisis in a Divided Korea: A Chronology and Reference Guide
The Ancient World: Extraordinary People in Extraordinary Societies
World Mythologies: Myths of the Ancient Greeks
Economics in the 21st Century: Globalization: What It Is and How It Works
Voices of the Iraq War: Contemporary Accounts of Daily Life
Technology of the Ancient World
Mesopotamia and the Rise of Civilization: History, Documents, and Key Questions
Voices of Medieval England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales: Contemporary Accounts of Daily Life