Let's Explore Science: Our Place in Space
Freaky True Science: Freaky Space Stories
Surprising Science Experiments: A Kid's Book of Experiments with Stars
Cutting-Edge Science and Technology: Astronomy
Launch into Space!: Exploring the Sun
Spectacular Space Science: Exploring the Outer Planets
Launch into Space!: Exploring the Solar System
Design, Build, Experiment: Astronomy Experiments in Your Own Observatory
Out of This World: Space Travel
Let's Explore Science: Information Waves
Rourke's World Of Science Encyclopedia: Astronomy and Space
The Galaxy Guides: Why Is the Moon Not a Planet?
Tech Girls: Careers for Tech Girls in Engineering
The Galaxy Guides: Could We Survive on Other Planets?
The Galaxy Guides: Are There Other Galaxies?
The Galaxy Guides: Why Do We Have Night and Day?
The Sun-Centered Universe and Nicolaus Copernicus