Changing Perspectives: Birth Control
Today's Debates: Incarceration: Punishment or Rehabilitation?
21st-Century Economics: Understanding Taxation
Today's Debates: Military Might and Global Intervention: Meddling or Peacemaking?
Politics Today: Who Are Conservatives and What Do They Believe In?
Politics Today: Who Are Populists and What Do They Believe In?
Analyzing the Issues: Critical Perspectives on the Electoral College
History of Crime and Punishment: The History of Law Enforcement
Dilemmas in Democracy: Money in Politics
Analyzing the Issues: Critical Perspectives on Gerrymandering
Violence in American Society: An Encyclopedia of Trends, Problems, and Perspectives
Inside Law Enforcement: Inside the FBI
Polling America: An Encyclopedia of Public Opinion
Race and Identity in Hispanic America: The White, the Black, and the Brown
Nationalism Today: Extreme Political Movements around the World
Equal Access: Fighting for Disability Protections: Beating Bullying Against Teens with Disabilities
Inside Law Enforcement: Inside the DEA
Equal Access: Fighting for Disability Protections: ADA and Your Rights at School and Work
In the Headlines: Big Pharma: The Money Behind the Pills
Today's Debates: Reproductive Technology: Indispensable or Problematic?