Climate Change Politics and Policies in America: Historical and Modern Documents in Context
Covert Careers: Jobs You Can't Talk About: Inside the FBI
Checks and Balances in the U.S. Government: The Executive Branch: Carrying Out and Enforcing Laws
Covert Careers: Jobs You Can't Talk About: Inside Interpol
Covert Careers: Jobs You Can't Talk About: Inside the Special Forces
Covert Careers: Jobs You Can't Talk About: Inside the Secret Service
Women and War in the 21st Century: A Country-by-Country Guide
Real-World STEM: Global Access to Clean Water
Mass Shootings in America: Understanding the Debates, Causes, and Responses
Prisons and Punishment in America: Examining the Facts
Congress and U.S. Veterans: From the GI Bill to the VA Crisis
Weapons of Mass Destruction: The Essential Reference Guide
Pioneering African Americans: African American Politicians & Civil Rights Activists
Current Controversies: The Border Wall with Mexico
Homeland Security and Critical Infrastructure Protection
Understanding the Executive Branch: Inside the Department of Homeland Security