Composite Materials: Concurrent Engineering Approach
Cutting Edge Technology: Cutting Edge Medical Technology
Hybrid Polymer Composite Materials: Structure and Chemistry
Pipeline Integrity Handbook: Management and Risk Evaluation
The Future of Technology: What Is the Future of Virtual Reality?
Bridge Engineering: Classifications, Design Loading, and Analysis Methods
Digital Issues: Online Predators
Handbook of Green Building Design and Construction: LEED, BREEAM, and Green Globes
Digital Issues: Online Privacy
Understanding Automotive Electronics: An Engineering Perspective
Robotics: Locomotion and Mechanics
Art and Invention: Inventions in Computing: From the Abacus to Personal Computers
Art and Invention: Inventions in Fashion: From Rawhide to Rayon
Robotics: Math, Programming, and Controllers
Environmental Inorganic Chemistry for Engineers
Digital and Information Literacy: Creating and Building Your Own YouTube Channel
Business Reference Guide: Data & Information Technology
Auto-Industrialism: DIY Capitalism and the Rise of the Auto-Industrial Society