Women and Society: Women in the Workplace
The World of Video Games: Violence and Video Games
Joined by Fate: Intertwined Biographies: Abraham Lincoln and John Wilkes Booth
Women and Society: Women and the Family
Women and Society: Violence Against Women
Coping: Coping When a Parent Has a Disability
Joined by Fate: Intertwined Biographies: Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings
Joined by Fate: Intertwined Biographies: Hernan Cortes and La Malinche
Perpetrating the Holocaust: Leaders, Enablers, and Collaborators
The World of Video Games: Video Game Addiction
Public Profiles: Serial Killers: Jack the Ripper, Son of Sam and Others
Public Profiles: Transgender Activists and Celebrities
Joined by Fate: Intertwined Biographies: Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr
Public Profiles: North Korea's Supreme Leaders: Kim Il-sung, Kim Jong-il and Kim Jong-un
Public Profiles: Serena Williams
Thurgood Marshall: A Life in American History
Critical Survey of Graphic Novels: History, Theme and Technique