Understanding the Cultures of the Middle East: Economy, Trade, and Resources across the Middle East
Understanding the Cultures of the Middle East: Art, Technology, and Language across the Middle East
Women's Lives around the World: A Global Encyclopedia
Celebrating Life Customs around the World: From Baby Showers to Funerals Programs
Music around the World: A Global Encyclopedia
World Mythologies: Myths of the Native Americans
Pop Culture in Asia and Oceania
Italian Americans: The History and Culture of a People
History of American Indians: Exploring Diverse Roots
Native Alaskan Cultures in Perspective
Countries, Peoples & Cultures: Central & South America
Countries, Peoples & Cultures: Eastern Europe
Countries, Peoples & Cultures: Central, South, and Southeast Asia
Countries, Peoples & Cultures: East Asia & The Pacific
Religion and American Cultures: Tradition, Diversity, and Popular Expression
Islamic Culture in the Middle East in Perspective