A Resource to Address Today’s Health Issues
Despite the amount of healthcare spending and health information available to consumers, Americans struggle to find the information they need to make good health decisions. Improved access to actionable health information could help reduce maternal mortality rates and foster healthier, longer lifespans. In fact, the top 10 causes of death worldwide are consistent across all countries, and many are due to lifestyle choices that could be transformed through better education and lifestyle changes.
The sixth edition of The Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine is a timely, comprehensive resource for consumers interested in health information. It provides health and medical information on approximately 2,000 topics, including health issues of global importance. Entries do not use technical jargon, making them easier to understand. The encyclopedia is extremely thorough, well organized, and enhanced with color photos and illustrations. Related entries and resource lists give readers suggestions for further research, and organizations listed can provide additional assistance.
Print ISBN: 9780028666587
eBook ISBN: 9780028666570
9 volumes/~6,300 pages
Original copyright 2020
See What’s Different:
- An advisory board consisting of subject matter experts
- Approximately 2,000 entries
- 900 full-color photos, illustrations, graphs, and maps
- Abundant cross-references to help readers make connections between entries
- Sidebars that highlight prominent figures and pivotal moments in medicine
- An appendix of key organizations
- A general index of places, subjects, titles, and proper names mentioned in the text
- A timeline of innovations and discoveries in medical history
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