Gale's eBook platform not only provides top titles from the best nonfiction publishers, it complements other eBook platforms. Where some deliver a leisure-reading experience, Gale eBooks is optimized for search, discovery, and integration across your library’s educational programs – giving patrons a better learning experience.

And forget those common complaints, such as eBooks are hard to use and require multiple copy purchases. Your single-copy purchase of any eBook means access to everyone, anytime, with no special downloads or apps.




Who's In Your Community?

Fascinating, complex people with wide-ranging interests. Easily browse Gale eBooks on GVRL by selecting the personas present in your community. Give your patrons the resources they need and you’ll demonstrate your library’s essential value.

Look Inside

The Gale eBooks homepage allows users to either browse by subject or search the full catalog.

The search results reveal relevant content at not only the title level, but the article and chapter levels.


The HTML article-view provides an easy browsing experience.


Integrated directly into the user’s workflow formatted citations can be exported       to a variety of services and platforms.

Users can seamlessly toggle between the HTML format and the cover-to-cover book view.

Platform Tools & Features

Collaboration Tools

Integrated G Suite for Education and Microsoft Office 365 tools enable users to share, save, and download content—including highlights and notes.

On-Demand Translation

Content translation is available in 23 languages and platform translation in 34 languages—on-screen and read aloud.

Citation Tools

Integrated directly into the user’s workflow, formatted citations can be easily imported from single or multiple documents to services like EasyBib or NoodleTools. MLA, APA, and Chicago-style citations are supported.