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Gale Presents: Excel Adult High School is a high school completion program for public libraries. Click to learn more about the program features and accreditation.
In the latest District Administration Ed Talk, Char Shryock, an educational leadership consultant with more than 30 years of experience as an educator, instructional leader, and administrator, shares her insights for building professional learning communities (PLCs) that drive student achievement. Her talk, Accelerate Learning by Transforming PLCs into “Powerful Learning Collectives,” covers how to create a collaborative educator environment, share instructional strategies, and choose effective resources. Explore how you can transform your professional learning community today.
Gale In Context: For Educators provides robust, extensive materials for K-12 lesson plans, bolstering any subject with engaging academic lessons.
Learn how to integrate SEL programs and resources into everyday instruction to make a lasting impact on youth mental health. Click to access the webinar.
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Find out how the right digital resources can make all the difference for your learning community.
Help all students find success in school and beyond with video-based curriculum in social and emotional learning, career readiness, and soft skills. Learn more.
Gale Primary Sources allow you to discover original historical documents, meticulously cross-referenced to bring facts into focus. Click to explore.
Gale Primary Sources allow you to discover original historical documents, meticulously cross-referenced to bring facts into focus. Click to explore.
Partner with Gale to offer accessible, cross-disciplinary digital resources to empower every student, support faculty, and maximize your budget.
Gale Primary Sources allow you to discover original historical documents, meticulously cross-referenced to bring facts into focus. Click to explore.
Gale's Professional Development Collection includes eBooks from experts on professional development for teachers and school librarians. Click to explore.
Gale Research Complete provides subscription access to the largest package of primary and secondary sources for research available to libraries today.
Offer firsthand insights into the experiences of Latin Americans who advocated for social justice and self-determination.
Gale Primary Sources allow you to discover original historical documents, meticulously cross-referenced to bring facts into focus. Click to explore.