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Gale Literature Resource Center supports the study of international literature classics as well as contemporary international authors. Click to read more.
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The ACLU’s role in Brown v. Board of Education During Black History Month, we remember monumental events that have profoundly changed the United States and impacted the lives of many Americans. One key event in American history is the Brown v. Board of Education decision in 1954. In this Supreme Court case, public schools were ordered desegregated in a unanimous verdict. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) played an important role in Brown v. Board of Education, ensuring that “separate but equal” would no longer apply to educational facilities. Though public education was not fully desegregated by the decision, it began a series of legal victories for the burgeoning civil rights movement and defined constitutional support for racial equality.
International Women's Day with Women’s Studies Archive In honor of International Women’s Day we are excited to share five primary source documents from our newest archive Women’s Studies Archive: Women’s Issues and Identities related to International Women’s Day celebrations. The Women’s Studies Archive will be available later this month on the Gale Primary Sources platform. To learn more about the archive and the collections included visit
Empowering Teen Mental Fitness is Gale’s new and unique series of eBooks that cover self-care and wellness strategies for teens who are managing mental health challenges. View the titles now >>
Five Star authors are pioneers in American historical fiction. Click to explore epic western and frontier novels set in the old American west.
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Gale, in partnership with ConnectEDD Publishing, is thrilled to bring you a collection of professional development resources including titles by the acclaimed author and K-12 professional learning expert, Jimmy Casas.
The Gale Encyclopedia of Nursing and Allied Health is a comprehensive resource that aims to educate people about allied health and nursing, whether they are pursuing a degree in an allied health field or already working as a nurse or allied health professional. Fill out the form to learn more.
Gale provides useful resources for healthcare research and education. Click to explore articles, databases, journals and other publications.
Gale provides useful resources related to maps, map reading, and cartography. Click to explore our databases, papers, and collections.
Gale provides useful resources for 20th century history research and education. Click to explore primary source collections, journals, and other publications.
Provide essential resources with access to Springer Publishing business eBooks. From marketing to finance, deliver globally focused, diverse titles to support a range of business courses.