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Gale Scholar provides libraries with an attainable way to align their digital primary sources with the best universities in the world. Learn More
The Gale Archives of Sexuality and Gender contain primary sources for research on the history of gender, sexuality, and related topics. Click to explore.
Gale Primary Sources collection illustrates and contextualizes the story of indigenous people in North America through printed material, records and more.
A digitized archive supporting of the study of unorthodox (by contemporary standards), fringe groups from both the right and left of the political spectrum
New digital humanities technology from Gale has fostered scholarship through the use of natural language processing for historical texts. Click to learn more.
The largest and most comprehensive online historical archive of its kind and an essential resource for advanced study of the eighteenth century, this collection contains every significant English-language and foreign-language title printed in the United Kingdom between the years 1701 and 1800.
Authoritative content that stands apart and defies tradition with modern aesthetics and contemporary presentation