Joined by Fate: Intertwined Biographies: Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings
In the Headlines: Climate Refugees: How Global Change Is Displacing Millions
Women and Society: Objectification of Women in the Media
Coping: Coping When a Parent Has a Disability
Thurgood Marshall: A Life in American History
Public Profiles: Whistleblowers: Chelsea Manning, Edward Snowden and Others
Women and Society: Women and Sports
Public Profiles: Serial Killers: Jack the Ripper, Son of Sam and Others
Joined by Fate: Intertwined Biographies: Sacagawea, Meriwether Lewis, and William Clark
Public Profiles: Serena Williams
In the Headlines: #MeToo: Women Speak Out Against Sexual Assault
The World of Video Games: Gaming Technology: Blurring Real and Virtual Worlds
Women and Society: Women and Feminism Today
Terrorism in the 21st Century: Causes and Effects: Investigating the Boston Marathon Bombings
Teen Health and Safety: Teens and Social Media
Critical Insights: Lord of the Flies