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Biography and Genealogy Master Index
This is a reference standard for libraries and the best place to begin any search. Users can quickly determine where to find biographical material on people from all time periods, geographic locations, and fields of endeavor—providing elaborate information on over 5 million people.
British Library Newspapers, Part III: 1741-1950
Part III adds even more regional and local depth to the British Library Newspaper series, encompassing powerful provincial news journals, local interest publications, and specialist titles.
This collection contains State Papers Foreign, Scotland, Borders, and Ireland together with the Registers (Minutes) of the Privy Council for the sixteenth century. These documents record the relationship between England and the rest of Europe, as well as the relationships among the European states, both Catholic and Protestant.
Early Arabic Printed Books from the British Library: Sciences, History, and Geography
Early Arabic Printed Books from the British Library: Sciences, History, and Geography is a full-text searchable archive of early Arabic printed books on medicine and physiology, classical sciences, mathematics, astrology, chemistry, natural history, philosophy, logic and ethics, politics, history and genealogy, biography, travel, geography, and much more. This collection presents the range of Arab learning that influenced the scholarship and scientific development in Europe through the Middle Ages and Early Modern period.
British Library Newspapers, Part IV: 1732-1950
Part of the most comprehensive range of regional and local newspapers published in Britain between the mid-eighteenth and mid-twentieth centuries ever made available in a digital collection, British Library Newspapers, Part IV: 1732-1950 provides 23 publications (nearly 1.4 million pages) from across the United Kingdom and Ireland to reflect the social, political, and cultural events of the times.
Part IV completes the State Papers of the Stuart period and contains volumes of documents from, to, and about all the countries of Europe. Many of these countries have lost their own collections from this period, increasing the rarity and value of these British State Papers. All the great international themes of the seventeenth century play out in document after document, making them an essential resource for not only British but European history: marriage alliances, revolutions, wars and treaties, trade and commerce, and religion.
This collection delivers access to the official records of the secretaries of state serving the ruling monarch of the day, encompassing every facet of early modern government, including social and economic affairs, law and order, religious policy, crown possessions, and intelligence. Part I delivers the complete series of State Papers Domestic for the Tudor era.
Sunday Times Historical Archive, 1822–2021*
Since 1822, The Sunday Times has provided thoughtful analysis and commentary on the week's global news and society at large. World famous for its cutting-edge investigative journalism, the newspaper broke many of the key stories of the twentieth century. In more than 600,000 full-text searchable pages, this digital collection is a gateway to the greatest crimes, careers, and culture of the last two centuries.
Eighteenth Century Collections Online: Part I
Eighteenth Century Collections Online contains 135,000 printed works comprising more than 26 million scanned facsimile pages of English-language and foreign-language titles printed in the United Kingdom between the years 1701 and 1800. While the majority of works in ECCO are in the English language, researchers will also discover a rich vein of works printed in Dutch, French, German, Italian, Latin, Spanish, and Welsh.
State Papers Domestic for the Stuart era (1603-1714) is the richest primary source archive of its kind to cover national affairs in England in the seventeenth century. The manuscripts and accompanying calendars are vital to any scholar's understanding of this turbulent century of civil strife, revolution, and regicide. Users can explore the nature of monarchy, the details of religious conflict, and the emergence of party politics.
American Historical Periodicals from the American Antiquarian Society, Part VIII Ireland, 1783–1950
The eighth collection of digitized periodicals from Gale’s partnership with the American Antiquarian Society reflects the twentieth century in American life through multiple perspectives on thought, culture, and society from those who lived it. Split between new periodical titles and editions that fill gaps in periodicals that exist in Parts I through VII, the multidisciplinary collection shows how history affected American citizens from all walks of life.