20th Century Literature Criticism

Literary criticism allows students to study, evaluate, and interpret great works of literature to then partake in thoughtful scholarly and philosophical discussions. Focusing on twentieth-century literature subsequently allows researchers to center their field of study on the works of twentieth-century authors of all genres—including novelists, poets, playwrights, journalists, philosophers, political leaders, scientists, mathematicians, critics, and other creative writers—from every region of the world as well as the critical responses to those writers and their works.

The study of twentieth-century literary criticism, though similar to the study of literary theory, is often considered a completely separate field as theory tends to tackle more abstract concepts than its counterpart, though the two fields often overlap and occasionally comingle. It is hard to argue that one cannot exist without the other. Though, it should be noted that theory is commonly found in academic journals while criticism can be more widely found in both book and essay form and through a variety of sources.

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20th Century Literature Criticism Resources

Gale databases and eBooks provide resources that support research.


Gale databases include collections of published materials from newspapers, journals, and periodical articles as well as primary source documents and multimedia, such as images, audio, and videos, that support users interested in literary criticism research and studies.

Gale eBooks

Gale's eBook collection offers a variety of books online that cover a wide range of literary topics. Users can add Gale eBooks to a customized collection and cross search to pinpoint relevant content. Workflow tools help users easily share, save, and download content.

  • Critical Insights: Modern Japanese Literature, 1st Edition

    Critical Insights: Modern Japanese Literature, 1st Edition

    Salem Press   |   2018   |   ISBN-13: 9781682172599

    An introduction to modern Japanese literature. Essays in this volume explore the search for national identity and examine the work of Haruki Murakami, Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, and Futabatei Shimei.

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  • Short Stories for Students: Presenting Analysis, Context, and Criticism on Commonly Studied Short Stories

    Short Stories for Students: Presenting Analysis, Context, and Criticism on Commonly Studied Short Stories

    Gale   |   2020   |   ISBN-13: 9780028666778

    Each volume of Short Stories for Students contains easily accessible and content-rich discussions of the literary and historical background of 14 works from various cultures and time periods. Each story covered in this new resource was specially chosen by an advisory panel of teachers and librarians—experts who have helped us define the information needs of students and ensure the age-appropriateness of this reference's content. Within the pages of Short Stories for Students, young researchers will discover everything they need to complete homework assignments and lead classroom discussions.

    Short Stories for Students contains concise synopses of the story's plot, characters, and themes, along with a brief author biography, a discussion of the story's cultural and historical significance, and excerpted criticism geared specifically toward high school students. Researchers will also find information on media adaptations of the story, discussion questions, and suggestions on what to read next. Cumulative indexes enable students to access entries via author, title, nationality, and theme.

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