Gale Historical Newspapers are constantly growing, with new add-ons* expanding many of our standout archives every year. If your institution owns any of the following digital archives, you can explore what add-ons are available below.

To find out which add-ons you may be missing, visit your Gale archives through your library search.

Do any of the add-ons interest you? Contact your dedicated representative to learn more.

These add-ons are available to customers who already own the original archive. Any customers who purchase the archive after the add-on was released will get the full range of years.

2015-2021 Add-ons

These add-ons expand your newspaper archives to cover key events of the last decade, including COVID, Brexit, Black Lives Matter, the #MeToo movement, and the Trump presidency.

2000-2016 Add-ons

These supplements will let you explore recent historical events that define modern society, including the new Millennium, the Global Financial Crisis, the beginning of the UK Conservative government, the Arab Spring, and the UK Referendum to leave the EU.

Contact Us

Contact your region’s dedicated representative to learn how you can expand your Gale Historical Newspapers to capture history as it unfolds.