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Collection of scholarly journals and general interest titles that covers everything from art and literature to economics and the sciences.
Gale Analytics: Digital Collections
Public library collection development tool to blend eBook and audiobook vendor data with the Mosaic lifestyle clusters, providing demographic insight into who you're serving.
Provide access to authoritative periodical content supporting research in all fields of psychology.
Gale OneFile: Nursing and Allied Health
Provide access to authoritative content supporting nursing professionals already working in the field, as well as students pursuing a nursing-focused curriculum.
Gale OneFile: Environmental Studies and Policy
Addresses environmental concerns and research with coverage from more than 300 journals and book reference content.
Gale OneFile: Home Improvement
Offers more than 4.5 million articles from more than 200 home improvement-focused titles, covering topics including architectural techniques, tool and material selection, zoning requirements, and others.
Gale OneFile: Hospitality and Tourism
Access to scholarly journals, magazines, and trade publications that cover topics including the cultural, and economic aspects of travel and tourism.
Provides access to more than 2,300 major U.S. regional, national, and local newspapers, as well as leading titles from around the world. It also includes thousands of images, radio, and TV broadcasts and transcripts.
Gale OneFile: Australia and New Zealand provides authoritative, full-text content with a regional focus, complemented by global news, reference, and multimedia coverage. The database features a variety of magazines, journals, news, and multimedia sources across academic disciplines and areas of interest, covering important issues and current events related to Australia and New Zealand.
Gale Analytics: Patron Insights
Uncover who your patrons are (and aren't) so you can make data-driven decisions and drive meaningful outcomes aligned to library's mission and goals. Discover the types of patrons your library attracts easily and what types of users need better outreach with the actual percent in opportunity.
Gale Business Insights: Essentials
Offers in-depth coverage of businesses, including company profiles, industry profiles, products and brands, financial reports, company rankings, histories, and full-text periodical articles. Gale Business Insights: Essentials offers robust online tools for analytics.
Gale OneFile: War and Terrorism
Library resource that provides authoritative periodical content addressing both historic and contemporary topics in the fields of war and terrorism.
Provides balanced coverage of events in world history with relevant articles updated daily - both current thinking and established scholarly work
Associations Unlimited combines data from the entire Encyclopedia of Associations series and includes additional IRS information on nonprofit organizations, for a total of more than 456,000 organizations. The database also contains association materials — brochures, logos and membership applications
Understand your cardholders' activity across the various branches of one library system. Empower branches to tailor materials, programs, services, and outreach to their patrons.
Gale Literature: Something About the Author
Examine the lives and works of writers and illustrators for children and young adults. This critically acclaimed series has more than 28,000 entries that include award-winning and emerging artists, and provides illustrated biographical profiles of approximately 75 children’s writers and illustrators per volume.
Provides a wide variety of critical information with numerous entries focusing on topics in children’s and young adult literature, as well as picture books, folklore and graphic novels
Gale OneFile: Informe Académico
Provides access to a wide range of full-text Spanish- and Portuguese-language scholarly journals and magazines both from and about Latin America.
Choose from more than 24,000 journal, periodical, and news sources from around the world to fill the unique needs of your researchers and patrons.
Gale OneFile: High School Edition
Gale OneFile: High School Edition provides access to authoritative, reliable digital content from magazines, journals, newspapers, and reference books appropriate for middle- and high-school students and covers a wide range of subjects, including science, history, and literature.